Cleansing Inquiry (75 per hour, Shouldnt take an hour unless your property is huge.)
As an Ordained Hippy and Certified Crystal Healer, I will come and cleanse your locality of bad JuJu with my sage of power. Help you get rid of the bad vibes and build a barrier to keep our bad spirits!
Usually use sage but will use cleanser of your choosing.
As an Ordained Hippy and Certified Crystal Healer, I will come and cleanse your locality of bad JuJu with my sage of power. Help you get rid of the bad vibes and build a barrier to keep our bad spirits!
Usually use sage but will use cleanser of your choosing.
As an Ordained Hippy and Certified Crystal Healer, I will come and cleanse your locality of bad JuJu with my sage of power. Help you get rid of the bad vibes and build a barrier to keep our bad spirits!
Usually use sage but will use cleanser of your choosing.